Sunday, January 11, 2015

An Update

Since it has been a year and a half since I started this blog and only made an introductory post, I figured I would make a post updating were my family and I are in life and then commit to posting more regularly.

I am in my final semester of my Master's program at the University of Utah (studying speech-language pathology) and am glad to be done with the bulk of classes and clinic (we are required to work in the University Speech-Language-Hearing clinic). I have two internships this semester, the first of which is taking place in a local school district, with the second at Intermountain Medical Center, a large regional hospital. I started my first internship a week ago. I will also have one class this semester for half of the semester.

My family doing fairly well with the changes that we have been going through due to grad school. My wife is working at the high school she attended, teaching the life skills special education class and our son will be three this month.

Now that we are updated, I am going to end this post and start working on something new that isn't just about where things in life have brought me and my family.


Sunday, June 9, 2013

And in the beginning...

My name is Jared Fulgham. The idea for this blog came from a friend who, when he learned my last name, joked about the 'Fulgham County Blues,' a play on Jonny Cash's 'Folsom Prison Blues.' I haven't actually 'shot a man in Reno, just to watch him die,' but I liked the pun and decided to run with it. This blog will be a mix of my various interests: my family, my religion, technology, libertarianism, soccer, general sports, my experiences as an Aggie at the University of Utah, etc. By the way, Fulgham is pronounced like /ful•jum/, not /ful•gum/ or /ful•grum/ (I'm not sure where the invisible /r/ comes from).

So who am I? I was born in Athens, Texas and raised in Tremonton, Utah. At 19, I served an LDS mission in the Oklahoma Tulsa mission. I met my sweetheart Suzanne in January 2008 and we were married in August of that year. We both have attended Utah State University, she graduated in 2010, and I graduated in 2011 with an English, Tech Comm degree, and in 2013 with a degree in Communicative Disorders. I am going to be starting Grad school at the University of Utah in August, pursuing a degree in Speech-Language Pathology. I plan on chronicling that journey here.

I have become more and more of a hardcore libertarian (with a small 'l') over the past few years, so I guess this is sort of my libertarian outing to the friends and family of mine who weren't aware that my personal views, my faith and my conscience dictate the beliefs that men are free to choose, and ought to be free from coercion. I'm sure I'll post rants, thoughts and quotes that pertain to my libertarian beliefs.

I'm a sports fan. I'm partial to soccer and baseball, but really enjoy football and college basketball (not NBA). I am a Chelsea and Real Salt Lake fan, a Braves and Rangers fan, and an Aggie convert. I try to stay open minded with sports and am always interested in learning about diverse sports.

A few final things about me. I am an Android enthusiast, a Mac user, a music connoisseur, a classic movie aficionado, a cult Community follower, an Anglophile, a Google fan and, as my wife would tell you, an avid nerd. That's me in a nutshell. Cheers until next time.